This year’s Freshmen Orientation Programme (FOP) at Republic Polytechnic broke some traditions but failed to dampen the excitement witnessed at the annual event.
Held between April 14 and 15, this year’s programme was a two-day event. The programme was previously held over three days.
According to RP Student Council member Nidhi Sunil, some of the activities which were held on the third day of previous FOPs were held in the first week of school instead. This drew mixed reactions from those involved in the programme.
“I was sad that FOP this year was pushed into two days,” said Teo Li Lin, 19, a second-year Arts and Theatre Management student. “I was hoping to have more time with the freshmen and the STA family.”
Nur Dyana Binte Tambunan, a second-year Aviation Management student and a member of the Malay Dance, offered a different view. “I think it doesn’t matter if the camp is being pushed to two days because we’re still going to have the same amount of fun. All my friends are hyped up and ready to give the freshies a good time,” she said.
FOP is a camp organised by the Student Council to welcome freshmen into RP. The programme is also aimed at providing students with more information about their new school and diploma.
Besides a shorter programme, the annual tug-of-war competition was replaced this year with a telematch. The School of Health and Leisure had been the undefeated champion of the tug-of-war competition for the past three years.
“By replacing tug-of-war with other games that do not require strength to win, all students will have an equal chance to participate in the telematch,” said Christie Foong, 17, a second-year Mass Communication student and member of the Sub Committee of the 13th Student Council.
But the telematch, which was slated to be held on the second day of FOP, was cancelled due to heavy rain. However, the student leaders did not allow the wet weather to dampen their spirits. Some schools, such as the School of Technology for the Arts, played games indoors while other schools brought forward some of their planned events.
The disappointment dissipated as FOP was brought to a climax at Jam and Hop. Performances by CREATE interest groups like Rhapsody and Jammerz Arena got the crowd in the mood. However, it was the Electronic Music Production segment that got the students’ hearts racing and many dancing together.