I am a Year 2 student, and truth be told, I have no idea what I’m doing. As the title suggests, this is my first article, I’m diving into it with equal parts excitement and trepidation. With Year 3 looming, and the Journalism specialisation track calling my name, I find myself grappling with a fear that seems paradoxical—writing. Strange, isn’t it? After all, I chose this path. So why am I so terrified? Because doubts—big ones—have a way of making even the most thrilling journeys feel daunting.

Behind the scenes of our upcoming RJ-ing Podcast series, Spotlighting Local Talent. For the longest time, podcasts were my main way of engaging The Republican Post, but as you can see, I’ve taken up article writing too.
Fear and Loathing in the Land of Articles
Here’s the thing about me: I’m absolutely terrified of messing up. That fear often keeps me firmly within the confines of my comfort zone. If it weren’t for Ms. Kelly, I might never have stepped outside it to even attempt this article. Writing felt overwhelming; hosting podcasts seemed easier, and more natural. Talking has always been my strong suit—conversational, low-pressure, and far removed from the critical lens of article writing.
My confidence in writing was shaky, rooted in secondary school assignments that I thought were mediocre at best. For the longest time, I was my own harshest critic, holding myself back before I even tried. It wasn’t until Ms. Kelly casually told me to “write about that fear” so I decided to give it a shot. So here I am, confronting my writing anxiety by documenting it—a meta moment I couldn’t resist. Funny how life works, isn’t it?
Choosing Journalism Over Public Relations
You’re probably wondering: If I’m so afraid of writing, why choose Journalism? Honestly, it came down to a simple truth—I couldn’t wrap my head around Public Relations (PR). Despite passing the modules, the mechanics of PR never clicked for me. Journalism, on the other hand, felt like home. It wasn’t just about writing; it was about connection. Platforms like Our Grandfather Story (OGS) that weave heartfelt narratives resonated deeply with me.
When the time came to choose between the Journalism and PR tracks, I was torn. My head said PR, but my heart screamed Journalism. The clincher? A module called M311 Video Journalism. I loved producing and editing videos, crafting visual stories that felt dynamic and alive. Gradually, I warmed to soft news and feature writing, realising that Journalism wasn’t just about facts and hard-hitting headlines—it could also be deeply personal and creative. In the end, my heart won, and I knew it was time to face my fears.
It’s Not Just News—It’s Connection
If I had to sum up my love for Journalism in one word, it would be a connection. Journalism, to me, is about bridging gaps—between people, perspectives, and stories. It’s not just about headlines and breaking news; it’s about the human moments that make those stories matter. Whether it’s a success story, a personal struggle, or a cultural insight, Journalism creates a space for shared understanding.
Yes, it’s a love-hate relationship at times. But even on the hard days, I remind myself that pursuing something you love is worth the struggle. That’s what keeps me going.

Floating Through Fear, One Article at a Time
Writing this article has been a cathartic experience. What I once likened to being thrown into the ocean without knowing how to swim turned out to be less daunting than expected—because I wasn’t alone. Friends, and of course Ms. Kelly became my life rafts, guiding me through the process.
This article, in a way, is my declaration of freedom—from self-doubt and fear. It’s also a reminder to anyone reading this: Take that leap, even if it scares you. You might just discover that what lies on the other side is worth it.
Here’s to overcoming fears and embracing growth—one article at a time.